Lamont Wind Ensemble

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February 12

7:30pm - 9:30pm

Newman Center for the Performing Arts, Gates Concert Hall

Audience: Alumni,  Faculty,  Families,  Neighbor or Friend,  Prospective Student,  Staff

Purchase Tickets: $5 for reserved parterre seats, or FREE general admission ($3 fee to purchase online)
Complimentary parking
Program to come

The Lamont Wind Ensemble celebrates Black History Month with music by Florence Price, Valerie Coleman, Omar Thomas, and more. “Dual Stride” by Kevin Day features soloists Richard Harris (trombone) and David Byrd-Marrow (horn). The final work on the program, "Come Sunday" by Omar Thomas, is a gospel revival work emulating the role of the Hammond Organ in Church services. 

A collaboration with the Black American West Museum & Heritage Center, and featuring guest speaker Darrell Watson, Councilmember for the City and County of Denver. 


For ticket questions, please contact the Newman Center Box Office at 303-871-7720.

For all other Lamont questions, please call 303-871-6400.