The Spirituals Project

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February 27

7:30pm - 9:30pm

Newman Center for the Performing Arts, Gates Concert Hall

Audience: Alumni,  Faculty,  Families,  Neighbor or Friend,  Prospective Student,  Staff

Purchase Tickets: $10 for reserved parterre seats, or $5 general admission ($3 fee to purchase online)
Complimentary parking
Program to come

A brief talk-back at 9:30pm will follow the performance. 

Exodus: One Story, Two Communities
Guest Artist: Cyrus Chestnut
Collaboration with the Center for Judaic Studies

The story of the Exodus is a significant one for people of the Jewish faith. The Exodus event is arguably the most monumental in human history. When Jews observe Passover, it commemorates the Exodus from Egypt. It is a pivotal moment in the Hebrew Bible (Old Testament) where the God who is One liberates an enslaved Hebrew people from the oppression of the Egyptians. Rabbi Irving Greenbaum writes, “Exodus morality meant giving justice to the weak and the poor.” It should come as no surprise, therefore, that enslaved Africans in the United States, upon hearing this narrative, immediately felt a resonance. For them, a God who freed slaves so long ago would surely also free them. For the enslaved African community, Harriet Tubman, conductor of the Underground Railroad, would become for them, Moses. The music of this concert will celebrate Jewish and African American faith and freedom, and the importance of the Exodus narrative for both.


For ticket questions, please contact the Newman Center Box Office at 303-871-7720.

For all other Lamont questions, please call 303-871-6400.